Year of Rhythm

Hi again. Quite a bit of time has elapsed since my last update on this blog. Six years almost. I try not to think about that. As part of my new year, I have adopted a yearly theme to help guide me towards my goals. Though this has technically started earlier in late 2022, I find it fitting that I made a post explaining what my theme for this year is all about at the beginning of 2023. The theme for this year is the “Year of Rhythm”. What that means is a general working to get myself back into a good daily rhythm throughout the day, week, month, and year. Over the past few years, I feel I’ve become unbalanced with the rhythm of the day, and its affected my sleep, my diet, my exercise, and my projects. A good example of this is to say I accomplished none of my goals I posted about, except the writing goal of making a draft of my work. However, I know that I can do more and get to some of these goals through careful reworking of how I approach my day.

How does the Year of Rhythm look? In short, its finding time to do the things I want to do each day and keep up a good sync. No day will be perfect, and no day will be an exact copy of the other, and that’s fine. It’s not about keeping to a strict “At 7am I will always do X”. Moreover, its a “By the end of the day I will have done X, Y, and Z.” The theme will act as a guiding light in this, rethinking about how I’m using my time so that I can be more effective with my goals. This leads into the aspects of the Year of Rhythm.


  1. Sleep – keep a sleep schedule that is consistent throughout the week
  2. Exercise – exercise 5-6 days a week
  3. Diet – eat 3 square meals per day
  4. Projects – set time aside to work on the following projects
    • Writing – work on worldbuilding, storybuilding, writing 1000 words/day
    • Architecture – study from the books, work on design
    • History – study a historical period (This comes with its own announcement)
  5. Leisure – read one chapter, listen to one episode, play part of a game, watch one episode, go for a walk, meaningful out of house time

Trying to keep to these 5 aspects, I want to be able to improve how I’m working and getting out and make sure that I’m feeling fulfilled with my day.

Success Benchmark

Success will be being able to fit all 5 aspects into a day 4 days/week on average.

With this all in mind, I’m aiming to make this year into a productive and healthy year that should aid in jumpstarting my goals for my future endeavors.